What is coaching? 

Through the coach­ing process, I intend to expand the indi­vid­ual poten­tial of my client using a wide range of inter­ven­tion­al tech­niques to widen emo­tion­al and men­tal scopes.


As an eye-lev­elled spar­ring part­ner, the role of the coach is not to judge or val­ue. Through this a safe space is cre­at­ed to issue thoughts and ideals not thought to be oth­er­wise appropriate

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Through the coach­ing process doors are opened to new options, chances and risks fac­tors, which in turn, enable you to devel­op a per­son­alised strat­e­gy. My job is not to con­sult you; you are the embod­i­ment of your own life-path. Exter­nal opin­ion sel­dom leads to sus­tain­able, long-term suc­cess. Change has to be moti­vat­ed from within.

What coach­ing offers you is a potent form of short-term inter­ven­tion, pro­pelling long-term per­son­al devel­op­ment. Tai­lored to per­son­al needs, the process con­sists of two to ten 90 minute sit­tings. In the sit­ting, you decide how long and in-depth we ven­ture into the sub­ject mat­ter at hand.

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