
Empowerment Coaching

As an empow­er­ment coach, train­er, entre­pre­neur and men­tor, I believe that every day is full of mir­a­cles and oppor­tu­ni­ties. We are free to choose how we per­ceive our real­i­ty and what we make of it. 

It is my mis­sion as an Empow­er­ment Coach to help my clients ini­ti­ate major shifts in their lives, both pro­fes­sion­al and personal. 

My goal is to empow­er you to feel more authen­tic and ful­filled than ever before in your life. 

It is my pas­sion to guide you back to your strengths and unique tal­ents and to sup­port you in cre­at­ing a self-deter­mined life detached from the val­ue system. 

There are times when we need out­side sup­port to regain our inner strength. Some­one who guides us to move for­ward in seem­ing­ly dead­locked situations.

Become the most coura­geous per­son you know!
Dur­ing our coach­ing ses­sions, I pro­vide a safe space for you to share your many lay­ers and feel­ings. Through this open shar­ing you will be empow­ered to con­struct a new def­i­n­i­tion your indi­vid­ual ide­al.
Togeth­er we will deci­pher­er your emo­tions to cre­ate clear­er path­ways for your deci­sion-mak­ing process.
Liv­ing with courage, con­fi­dence, and clar­i­ty about your pri­or­i­ties doesn’t need to be such a struggle–create your coura­geous life by cre­at­ing coura­geous habits.

I apply a focused set of ques­tions to encour­age you to under­stand how inter­nal obsta­cles and con­flicts are relat­ed to one anoth­er. You will become aware of your core needs, your goals, you’ll gain new per­spec­tives which in turn will gift you with cre­ative res­o­lu­tion strate­gies and a more open-mind­ed way of thinking.

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My work with you is holis­tic, focused and empa­thet­ic, and is based on a high lev­el of sub­ject-spe­cif­ic exper­tise. My process is struc­tured and based around a clear com­mu­ni­ca­tion­al strat­e­gy. Togeth­er we will explore a range of tools, draw­ing from the study of Pos­i­tive Psy­chol­o­gy and phi­los­o­phy, as well as sys­temic con­stel­la­tion work, cir­cu­lar ques­tion­ing, and mind­ful­ness practice.

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